Monday, June 2, 2008

Coop and Jack's

So Jack and his buddy Cooper got together this weekend to have some lunch at Lake Calhoun and then hang out by the playground equipment, enjoying the fine weather.

As Megan and I were talking with Coop's parents, we decided it would be great if they could open some sort of establishment together and support their parents in their old age. After all, wouldn't Coop and Jack's sound like a great place to head to for a Friday happy hour?

Another thing we learned: Jack has no fear compared to many other kids. Whether trying to go down the slide headfirst or climbing equipment eight times his height, he really has no qualms. He certainly doesn't get that from his mother...or his father for that matter. Hmmmm...

Like Father, Like Son

So here's a shot of Jack and I Sunday morning. It warmed my heart as he took to the sports page like an old veteran. Who cares if he thinks every picture was a shot of baseball regardless of the size and shape of the ball?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just getting started

Hey there,
Since it's all the rage nowadays, I'm going to try and set up this blog so those in far-flung places like Georgia, Denmark and Chicago can hear what's going on with us through this fanciful world wide web.

Warning: It will most likely be mostly about Jack since, well, he's cute, funny and the center of our life.